Steven Brennfleck, Tenor
“It is hard to believe that it took almost 6 years of college level voice study for me to realize that no one had taught me HOW to learn to sing. How does one find the connection between music and text? How does one internalize an aria or recit to the point where one becomes a vessel for expressing the composer’s intent? What tools can one utilize to learn that tongue-twisting line of text or that long chromatic cadenza? This is why Susan Ashbaker’s class was so important and beneficial to me. There we learned that the “product” will only be as good as the “process” we employ to get it and what tools are at our disposal to do so.” Steven Brennfleck, tenor…
Erin Berger, Opera SInger
“You are a wonderful coach and teacher…..If I did something that wasn’t right or you thought could be improved, you explained why and then gave me a way to fix it……I truly appreciate the way you work and also the way you treat others……You gave me tools that I can use even now that the program is over.” Erin Berger, Opera Singer, (Participant, International Vocal Arts Institute/Montreal)…
Elem Eley, Professor of Voice
“This private coaching was a half-hour exploration of effectives ways to approach and learn a challenging song…..throughout the entire process…Susan was exceeding clear, encouraging and highly observant of the students efforts…..I left this observation greatly impressed….This was a very fine demonstration of observant and effective teaching.” Elem Eley, Professor of Voice, Westminster Choir College, Rider University…